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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Time Bloggeer

Iam so excited, I have moved into the land of blogging. I did not think I would ever do this, but I was finally convinced to start one. So for my first post, I wanted to show you what I have been working on. I make all my girls Cheer bows and they have a lot of them, but I didn't have any place to put them. So I found a very talented lady by the name of Trisha Haas over at who makes these Tutu bow holders and she showed how to make them.  I have had so much fun creating these that I have gone crazy and now need to sell some of them. If you are interested in these holders or the cheer bows, just e-mail me and let me know what colors you would like and I will make one or two for you. Hope you enjoy looking at these and Thanks for stopping by.

This is full view of the Bow holder, The colors are bright Blue, Pink Green and Black
Close up of the bodice which has little rhinestones

Ribbon Flowers

This Ribbon holder is a Pale Pink with Dark Brown polka dots. The tutu is
is dark brown no other colors mixed in
As you can see I have added rhinestones to the bodice of this one.
This Ribbon holder is Zebra print and bright purple ribbon. The ribbon across the bodes
is for hanging headbands, its kinda like the ribbons that are on photo boards. 
I also  made ribbon clips to match. These clips will hold the bows that have a pony tail elastic band instead
of a clip.
Some more clips that I made

These are some of the Cheer bows I have made for my girls. If you would like to
order one in a special color, just e-mail me and let me know what the colors are and
I will let you know if I can make it for you and the cost for the bow.  Most of these bow
are ones that my girls wear for practice.

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